Hellozxc readers!

I just survived the week in chaotic school life.
I am STRESSED OUT. Yeah, have been stressed out (quite) this week and going to be stressed for the following week, because tests are making its way to me again.

Maybe I will only get a just

for the tests, or even fail! I know I'm being abit too negative but I just can't help it lorhs.
Help to cheer me on kays? 
Anyway, here are the test dates :

English summary test - Monday, 1 March.

class test, Chp 2, 3, 4 & 5 - Monday, 1 March.

Geo test - Wednesday, 3 March.

level test, Chp 2 and 3, - Friday, 5 March.
Look at how packed my timetable is. I can't imagine when it comes to
mid-year exams! More stress, I guess. And you know, I still have to take care of my brother, help out with household chores (etc.)
from tomorrow onwards.How am I going to cope with the of mountain of hws + tests? T.T
Manage my time, but if I had good time management, I wouldn't be whining here. 
I guess I will stop talking about tests now.
Alright, today was a rather good day, at least better than yesterday.
I completed my 2.4 km run in
17 mins 57 secs. 
To you, it might not be the best result, but to me, I know I have made improvements. I actually completed it in
18 mins 20 secs previously. Heeheee xDD
Also, had Drama today too. Drama is like all games one, then abit slackish, but overall still fun larhs. I'm looking forward to every Friday, I love Drama!

Okok peeps, got to runnnn'! I have to complete homework tomorrow, ciaos!
PS : might not be online often next week.