Cus it's you, i smiled. (:
Heh, i bored. Soo i'm doing this 30 days challenge. :B credits to Allyson's blog. It's privated. So i will come back and do the day 1 thing.
Day 1 — Your Bestfriend.
Dear Sabrina Bte Faisal,
Thanks for being my best friend. You are so epic manzxc. Seriously. Me + you = epic failures. Oh well. :B haha, we bonded so much this year. I never thought you would be my best friend, the one i hang out with, laugh with, gossip with, get irritated with. You know right, you are my four leaf clover. HARD TO FIND & LUCKY TO HAVE. (phrase taken from roxanne.) That's why you are my best friend. Yeah i do - I love you. :D ♥♥♥
Eh you better blog lor okay. I have been waiting for your post, like FOREVER. :B okokokokokokok? Pray that there is no streaming for sec 2 class okay! x: Lastly, visit her awesomee blog ` SABRINA'S DEAD-BLOG-JUST-REVIVE-ALL-THANKS-TO-AWESOME-XIAOYAN. :B
Next, for NEOWANTING. ^^
Wan Ting has been my awesome, good friend since P3. She is f `ing awesome, & i also love her to the bits! ♥♥♥ she is a pro at blogging, yes, i mean it. SHE IS MY SISTER. WE HAVE THE SAME NAME. (I know you jealous.) Woooooooo. :* LOVEYOU LAH, ok. ^^ WANTINGLOVESXIAOYAN. XIAOYANLOVESHERTOO! Visit her ` WANTING'S CUTE BLOG. (:
Okay. I'm done. Update next time. (:
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