Wohoooo , nice ? I sort of think they are nice , heee ^^ ! Okay , enough about this . How about what happened today ?
Two words : BAD LUCK .
Real bad luck . Woke up at 7.30 , then bathe & set off with bro to Yishun Town , hoping we can find the way but well , nope . We took bus 804 & were lost . So he decided to hail a cab , what a brilliant idea . -.- In the end , in that area we got off , it's quite remote so not many cabs . But there were still cabs , & all were hired ! Dammn it ! But around 9 , we got a cab & headed off to Yishun town !
Then the uncle also a-ga a-ga where Yishun town is , failed , he went to Yishun Sec . Urghhh ! Don't you think the uncle is trying to make my bro pay more money ?! But still arrived @ YTS at around 9++ too , phew ~
Then -> listen to craps > wait to register > brought books , uniforms & shirts > bused to mac > maced > home ! (:
Oh well , I am so scared of secondary life , I mean , I don't even know a single soul there , like omg right ?! But I will try to make the first move on the first day of school though . (: Anyway , some awards won !

P.S Won most active blog in Shimin's contest . Cant place the banner though . o.o , so far , only have 1 outing going on !
Wish me luck to know some friends ! Hester is my pillow now , woooo ~ & currently very lazy to join contests , will join when some of my hardworking-ness comes back ! Cya ~
Joined two new contests , post about them tmr .

Meanwhile , go to their site to know more !
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