Details about BOTM :
How to join ?
Tag at Brenda's cbox with your name & blog url , she accept all types of blog , like blogshop , resource site and personal blog . Lastly , tag this message : I wanna join the BOTM !
How are marks given ?
Your blog post , like how interesting they are & if they attract your readers' attention - 30 marks .
Your blog lay , how neat is your lay , its theme & design . - 30 marks .
Writing about this contest , no copying & pasting . -10 marks .
Themed , means how your blog is like , e.g. The most creative blog & so on . - 20 marks .
Putting up the contest's banner once accepted for the contest . - 5 marks .
Linking up Brenda's button together with the contest banner . - 5 marks .
Total tally : 100 marks .
Prizes !
The prizes will be the themed banner you have won , everyone will get a prize .
What are you waiting for ? Click here to join now ! :D
That's all , cya ! [:
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