Thanks Winter , I like it !
Blogging stuffs ? I don't wanna talk about that . Btw , my read faq sentence , at my tagboard section there , does it count as copying ? If it is , I will take it down . :D
Never mind about these 2 things . Couldn't sleep yesterday , sms Janice no reply -.- (when I fall alseep then she reply) , she was eating cake , cake from sister's birthday . I draft a few quotes . Wanna know ? Here you go .
Sometimes , I thought you and I will be happy when we get together , but it was only what I thought .[edit]
One day if I tell myself to let you go , is not because I not longer like you , is that I like you too much .
inspired from Lynn , hope you don't mind .
Never say you'll die , say you will live your life to the fullest .
Love is waiting for me somewhere , someplace in this pretty world .
It sounds common , I know .
Amelia's SOTM !

Ameila is hosting a SOTM contest ! Yay ! Just look at prizes and you will go like wow !
PRIZES, yay. The lucky & special first placer gets these,
- A special pixel hand-made by yours truly of course.
- The usual 1st winner banner for you made by yours truly.
- A cg hand made by _______________.
- 2 button animated/non animated of your choice - both 88x31 & 32x32 size button by yours truly again.
- 3 weeks of showing off yourself on her site.
- The next lucky & special second placer gets these,
- A pixel hand-made by yours truly.
- A button animated/non animated of your choice either 88x31 or 32x32.
- 2 weeks of showing off yourself on her site.
- The next third runner up gets these,
- A button non-animated 32x32 for you.
- 1 week of showing off yourself on her site.
Directly copied and pasted from Amelia's site .
Categories - You do not need to choose which category you want to be in, once joined, you will be judged base on all of it.
Creativity is base which is on the entire overall - 30%
Post is base on how well you can type that can attract and interest people. - 30%
Layout is obviously base on your design, or neatness of the design. - 30%
Last 10% - is base on a post you can write about my contest, etc, read more below.
The last 10%, is for you to earn some percentage for yourself, you can also choose not to do so. Just tell me when you've published the post. *please include the direct link to the post!*
Join now !
Now gifts from Darel ! :D

Christmas banner from Darel , new affie and gan ! :D Okay , any gans name you can suggest ?
You don't bitch me as you like , you know ? I tag ppl I don't know ? I want to make friends , purely simple . you also go ppl site tell ppl you passed by right ? Me too , and sometimes I leave a tag too . Is that something wrong with you ? Say I shameless ? You went to Xinying's cbox to say this and plurk this . Don't get overboard , okay ? I don't say anything is because i want any trouble . YOU STARTED THIS . Stop pissing me off and I had enough of your nonsense . Since that matter is over , you just can't let it go and keep picking on me , you must continue to make trouble for me . Grow up .
P.S. , This person is not Hester . But Hester , no offence okay ?
Some messages for my lovely friends :
Wanting , Huiya , Dora , Michelle .
Thanks for chatting with me when I bored , joke around with me and of course , being such a good friend all these while , you have been a good listening ear too ! :D Thanks for your help when I am in need . :D Although we are leaving each other , keep in contact !
Janice , special cookie .
Janice , thanks for your support all these while ! :D Although we know each other for barely weeks , but I can tell you , YOU ARE THE CLOSEST CYBERIAN OF MINE ! Also , chatting with me in msn or through sms , you always make my day ! Cookieeee , I love you T.T.M ! xD
Rabbito , cutecute gal .
Thanks for being such a great cyber friend ! Rabbito , you rock neh ^^ , chatting with you makes my day too ! Thanks for your support & trust in me all these while , jiejie .
Mavis , quietgal .
Mavisssss ! Although we only know each other for weeks , but I realised you are very quiet ! xD But chatting with me also make me very happy ^-^ , jyjy on new layout , okay ?
Cherrie & Andrea , dearest .
Cherrie & Andrea , great friends ! :D Thanks for your buttons neh , nicenice ! :D Hahhh , both of you are really greeeeat cyber friends to me ! Both pro at making layout especially Cherrie ! :D
T.T.M <3>Darrrrel !
New affie and gan , thanks for the banner ! Too bad I cant make banners :D You rock with your banner ! :D <3
Okay , that's all ! buhbye <3
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