Back to serious business now !

Uhh , did not win ANYTHING for the contest .

Qiwen's birthday contest
What you must do before joining?
♥ Post about this contest in your blog.
♥ Put the contest banner in your sidebar. The banner must be visible without any scrollings!
♥ Tag at my tagboard telling me you are joining this contest with your NAME, ACTIVE EMAIL ADDRESS, BLOG URL!
What you need to do after joining?
♥ You will be given a banner URL (it is a banner that has a number on it) by ME on your tagboard.
♥ You don't have to do anything BUT come back to my blog on the contest result's date to check whether you won in the lucky draw contest.
♥ If you won, tag at my tagboard the banner URL (that is the banner that has a number on it) & wait for my reply!
How I choose the winners?
♥ I will use a random method to choose out the winners.
♥ Of couse, I will make a video of the result to use it as a proof that I did't cheat.
Max. Participants: 15. (will add more if the responds of the contest is GOOD!)
Joining Date: 20 October - 27 October (or once it reached the max. participants).
Results: 230 October (maybe will late, maybe will earlier)
There will be 5 winners.
- 1st award banner
- A Blogskin
- Advertising for 3 months at my sidebar
- 2nd award banner
- A Tagboard Skin
- Advertising for 2 months at my sidebar
- 3rd award banner
- A Cursor
- Advertising for 1 months at my sidebar
- 4th award banner
- A 88×31 Button
- Advertising for 2 weeks at my sidebar
- 5th award banner
- Advertising for 1 week at my sidebar
- Participantion award banner
What are you waiting for ? Join now !

So , about life now . Ah , life is going on smoothly , good thing right ? Slacking in class and at home , since PSLE over . Kind of bored without computer ! So , here is a good thing that happened .
Make up with Pris !
Haha ! So yeah , I gotta reply tags now ! Bye ! Remember to join Qiwen's contest !

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