Monday, August 31, 2009
Yay or BOO ?
Welcome me back ya' ! (: Back to blogging . BEST ! Erm ... ... Marks were amended . :D WOOTS ! Most of it is adding marks ! ^^ Though Eng is the one that is ( I duno if i should say yay or BOO ? )
**** NEW MARKS ****
English :
I should be getting 76.5 . Well , but minus 1 mark . =.=
New score : 74.5 / 95 .
[ I added 1 mark and minus 2 marks , so is minus 1 marks . BOO then !
Maths :
--- Currently NO CHANGES because I haven't check the paper . ---
Science :
[ Added 1 marks . YEAH ! :D But Mrs Mariam haven't go thrugh the paper . Hopefully some amends will be made . ( Add marks , not minus ! :D ) ]
Chinese :
[ Added 1 mark yeah ? YIPEE ! :D ]
[ Improvement made ! :D Got 42 the past . :D ]
Let me summarise . So erm ... English - A :D Maths - B =.= Science - B =,= Chinese -- A .
It's always languages that allows me to get an A . * Sigh * . I'm just missing a few marks TO AN MIN. A ! URGH !!!!
Oh yeah ... Today is Teachers' day . :D Here , I would like to WISH ALL TEACHERS :
Yeah ! :D uh .. Btw , [ Fotr sis } How come I didn't see you today ? Zzzzz ..
SOMEHOW , I feel that I cannot trust Michelle at all NOW . And a WAR IS COMING ! >.<
Never mind , let's just do our duties to score good results ! :D
I sign my PRETTY NAME : XiaoYan a.k.a XY :D
Friday, August 28, 2009
Love you.
When I see your name at blogs, you are yet minded. frankly saying, jealousy still fill me up. Can I forget you, can I brainwash myself? I wish to give it a try if it is worth it.
Ouhh ... thinking of ********(censored, don't try to count the number of *. useless.) His smile purposely flood my mind. Ppl always asked me why ah? He is not worth it. Hey! COME ON! What makes you think it is not worth it? I am not trying to defend him but it is not fair if you say he is not worth it. However, the most important thing is he only treat me as a purely fren.
Uh... Nothing I can do, ya?
Questions and TRUTHFUL ans.
1) Why do you like him?
Ans: Hey! Do you think I know why? I really don't know why. :D
2) Do you think he like you?
Ans: NOPE! That's what he told me.
3) Worth it or not?
Ans: Defintely worth it, BUT I won't give up everything because of him. :D *Truthful answer.*
4) He is your __ crush?
Ans: 3rd.
5)When did you start liking him?
Ans: Just recently. :D
6)Who is he?
Ans: ********* Stupid question, so it is accompany with A STUPID answer. =p
7)What is he GOOD and BAD at?
Ans: Good - Basketball. (That's all I know.) * Truthful ans*
WAIT! Why am I giving you all the clues? o.o Must be mad. :D
Any more questions? Question in the tagboard or ask me personally. :D
Posting posting and posting.
How have all of you been this two weeks? Prelims had just FINISHED! WOOTS! And obviously, my efforts paid off! :D Here are the results:
English: Booklet A - 24/30
Booklet B - _/65
* Booklet B still don't know.
Maths : 73/100
* Got 61 the previous time.
Science: 69/100
* Got 66.5 the previous time.
Chinese: 77.5/90
* got 80 plus the previous time. Highest is Michelle. :D Congrats! Won Pris by 1/2 mark! :D
How are these results? Guess it is not so good. My mother told me if I did not do well this time, during Sep, I must WORK WORK WORK! :D Wo ren ming.
Was aiming to get all As ... Hais ... So far only got one for Chinese. =.= Enough about this. Proceeding ....
Life is just as bad as anything else. Having COLD for the whole week for Prelims! URGH! =.=
Life is not as good as it seems to be. I'm giving up on you ... So don't you worry ... :D I will try my very best. All the best to you and your girl.
Anything else to add?
Oh. Sorry for not posting for this 2 weeks. Busy busy busy.
That's all for now.
With much hope for a better love life,
XiaoYan a.k.a XY.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
XiaoYan ! :D

Hi hi hi ? Or hello hello hello ? =.=
Anyway , HELLOS ! :D
Class was as usual . BUT SOMETHING HAPPENED ! Ah ! What must things turn out like this ? Although the two girls claimed that they are "okay" , but I can tell you all , IT'S NOT EVEN OKAY ! !
The war is once again starting , this time I need to be "fair" . I will side Priscilla BUT ! I will also be friends with Michelle . I may look I'm not vexed , but I'm ! D:
Someone betrayed us , I don't want to mention the name , as respect to him ? =.= PUKES !
He was all along a spy , helping Michelle . =.= I had already guessed it was him when the letter gone missing . =.=
This is the worst year I ever had in primary school ... with wars among GIRLS ! ...
This is really the worst year in primary school . D:
I don't know what can I do to forget you , if I can't , I'm sorry .
XiaoYan . :(
Things don't turn out the way we all wanted.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Days for memories :D
Chat-ted with Yi Xian just now ... In fact , she called to ask me how to do the science paper then we chatted . Everytime liddat de la . :D Talk and talk . I won't post the contents here because I wanna let curiosity kill everyone here ! Haha . Evil XiaoYan ? *sniffs* :D
Nowadays , The Straits time are being given to us for FREE ! :D Yipee ! Absolutely love the " little red dot " :D It's perfect for kids like me ! (:
Also , from what Mdm Toh said , she says that sometimes teachers use this as a reference ( how do you spell this ?) to set El exams questions . =.= it'll benifit me if i read this , won't it ?
Let me proceed to what happened these few days ...
Saturday ...
Went to Bugis to pray , my Mum so wad lor ! This kind of thing also believe . =.= fine fine , she's doing "good" . Whatever . There was REALLY A LOT OF PEOPLE THERE ! The weather was warm too . URGH !
But we had Mac for lunch . :D Yummy yummy yummy ! :) I'm easy to content :D trust me saying this of myself . =.=
Then erm ... ... Went to Bugis street mall . It's something like shopping mall but it has no air-con and of course more shops , but the prices are cheaper too . :D If you're willing to spend time there , I guess that will be things that are cheap and suitable for you ! :D
Was beat tired after that , went home . Then stuffs and stuffs .
:D ...
Cannot remember what happened ! Urgh !
I guess I'll continue tmr !
Monday, August 10, 2009
Hello ! :D
Firstly I really need to thank those for visiting ! So ppl passed by ! :D from 14 on 7th to 79 on 10 th ? Lol . A big big thank you ! :D
This post is just to thank you peepos ! :D Happy day !
Too lazy to blog ...
Friday, August 7, 2009
how bad is this?
Fellow Plurkers, we have some very troubling news to report to our beloved community today. Like many other prominent sites such as Google, Youtube and Wikipedia before it, Plurk has now joined the ranks of sites that have been officially banned in China.

We first discovered the ban late last week while one of our A-Team members was conducting a routine check of our web traffic logs. He was surprised to see that site wide traffic requests from China came to a standstill on the evening of April 22, 2009. After investigating and conducting some further tests, we were able to confirm that Plurk indeed had been placed behind the Great Firewall of China, restricting access to the site from all of mainland China.
This is what it looks like when China thinks we are bad people:

What is most unsettling is that up until now, we still have received no information from official Chinese sources on what prompted the ban. Was it some Plurkers talking negatively about China? Was it some internal dissidents using Plurk as a means to communicate with other like minded people? The truth is, we are not sure. However, we have been working over the last few days to get some additional information from some of our Chinese users and from official sources on why Plurk was banned and hope to restore access to our growing community of Chinese users as soon as possible.
The ban clearly is bittersweet for us here Plurk. On the one hand, it confirms a few things to us:
1. Plurk is a truly revolutionary communication platform that has the power to help people converse with each other in real time about the things that are happening around them. Clearly some of these conversations our users have been having may have upset Chinese officials but we are not entirely sure.
2. It is also an indication that Plurk has reached a sufficient critical mass of users that it is on the radar screen of someone like the Chinese Government. We are proud to have our name amongst the likes of internet giants such as Google, Youtube and Wikipedia which have also faced similar censorship in the past. As more and more people are beginning to realize, we are working on starting a social communication revolution here and the world is finally taking notice.
On the other hand, we all feel very strongly against any form of censorship. Plurk is a communication platform that is meant to liberate and democratize social communication between anyone and everyone, no matter where they are in the world. Stifling discussion and restricting free speech is never a good way to go.
We are also not sure why Plurk has been singled out here when there are many other similar services which allow the free flow dialogue of information between users, both operating inside and outside China. Why is China threatened by Plurk? We need to find this out and if you have any information on why Plurk was banned or what we can do to have China lift the ban, please contact us.
Finally, we ask Plurkers to please help spread the word about Plurk’s ban in China. Tell your friends, tell local newspapers and media websites and help China reconsider its actions. We are confident that with enough support and awareness, China will lift this ban and Plurk will again be well on its way to becoming the worlds most beloved communication platform!
(It's so late!!)
back to normal. :D
Continuing !
Let me bloga bout what happened today before I forget everything. =.= Woke up at 6.50 am plus, bathe and had breakfast. :D Went to school in red. (: Pris pulled me and told me some bad news when I arrived there. It is isn't exactly a bad news. :D But to her, it is. So be it. :D
Stuffs and stuffs between. :)
We celebrated National day without funfair. =.= Oh ... Since there is no funfair, it's utterly disappointing. :( There was definitely no 'atmosphere' to celebrate. Everyone agreed that. (okay, not everyone but most P6s !) Stuffs and stuffs between. then it was national day skit. It was a plain and lame skit. =.= Novelty ! but Priscilla sat infront of JunJie. Woots ! Okok , fine , i won't make fun of them . :D *giggles* After the skit , we were supposed to go back to class and design a NDP logo or whatever is that. But teachers brought us to the AVA room to watch something called "______".
I won't say what we watched . It's utterly long if i 'm going to . :D Lazy piggie. :D
Was late for dismissal ! About 20 mins late . Reached home at 10.30 am. (:
At about 12 , went to Mac ! Yummy ! Very very full ! :D Brought a couple of pens and stuffs ... :D
You know what ? I've discovered , some people blog just for the sake of what other people are doing, not expressing feelings. Well, I can see that many of my friends are like that . I won't mention names . :D But i like Wan Ting's way of blogging . :D it's casual. Love it very much . :D *giggles* Let me continue ... .... ....
I still can't forget that guy ! Urgh !!!! I'm thinking of him every now and then . this is the very first time I like a guy so much ! =X giving up is certainly not going to be easy . Oh ! :D But after thinking , can I don't give up ? I definitely feel hurt , don't I ? =.=
I guess that's all for today !
XiaoYan :D.
Friday. :D
Came home. Blogged. And going out for Mac later! Yipee! :D
I will blog later. :D
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wraping up the week . :D
How have you all been doing ? Fine or not fine ? In anyway case , just stay positive and move on ! :D These few days have been a tiring one , I guess . Tons of tuition homework , failed my ting xie , got 40 . =.= Bad luck or should I say bad week ? (: Another reason is liking that guy . I will refer him as " that guy " .
I told him that I have this feelings for him . He replied him : Probably gud fren feeling . Really ? Since he thinks it this way , so be it . But I am not sure if he is denying the fact that I like him or innocently don;t know . He confused me , surprised me . :D Told Priscilla about it , she says it's shocking that I like him . Well , I understand . (: I myself finds it unbelievable too , so she too . :D Perhaps it's wrong to like him , but I just can't control the feelings there for him . I'm trying my best to forget him , since I'm 99% sure he doesn't like me . :( This is the 1st time I have been rejected . :( Imma so sad . Sad by the fact that I have to give him up . Why does things turn out this way ? I was trying to help him but in the end , I fall for him . How surprising is that ? Like I say , we must be positive . (: Let's continue ...
The good news is the two confusing matters have been solved bout that's only one left. PSLE ! :D LOL. another good news is I scored 40 plus for my chinese oral ! :D Happie happie girl . (:
Jerry came back today . Felt very unusual without that hyper guy . Haha . (: He has been sick these days . Many people are . Everyone must stay healthy for this period of time , as exams are coming . :D Take care , all !
So that's all for today . :D
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Today is Yi Xian birthday! HAPPY BURDAE! Now that are 12, you must be mature! Stay happy and healthy. :D Love ya!
Nothing much happened today. Sat, went to Yi Xian house with Dora for revision.(: Fun day, that's all I can say. :D Using my cousin's laptop. It's fast and nice. :D I can hear music and everything is very perfect with her laptop and my bro's laptop. - editing in progress -.
Yesterday, like I mentioned, Dora and I went to Yi Xian house to revise chinese. Woke up at 8 plus. Started to bathe at 8.30 am. What was I doing in that half and hour time? I was lazing in bed. :D LOL. I laze in bed all the time. Let me continue ... I bathed finish at 8.40. Then ,preparing to go out at 8.45am.
Then, I DISCOVERED THAT I HAVE NO KEYS! Ohmygosh(!) I quickly called my brother, who was sleeping in his locked room, to give me the keys. Oh! YES, I'm late. On the way rushing, saw my grandma and Kaijie returning from market. I was shouting," KAIJIE!!!" I sounded excited, but I'm not. :D My grandma called me to come over. (I was on the other side of the road.) She handed me a packed breakfast and $1. I was so late. I tried my best to quicken my pace of walking.(Do I sound like I'm walking slowly?Maybe I'm.) BUT I STILL SO LATE! Reached her house at 9.20 am plus. She haven't even took her breakfast. Oh(!) After stuffs, we went to revise.
I'll skip the details here and ...
-- Fast forward to the time Michelle and Huien suddenly appeared. --
Done. :D
Both of them suddenly came up! Got a superb shock. I was lucky that I ain't git any heart problems. :D Both came up and we chatted for just a while before they went to their tuition. :D BYE-BYE! Leaving the three of us, we chatted about _____. We had to extend this plan to 1pm because of those chatting time we had before. So, ya that's it. :D
Then, we went home at 1 pm or later. :D Had a nice and fulfilling day. :D
Sayonara for now :D