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Met Yockyen just now to make payment. :P she's damn pretty y'know! It's was hilarious just now. I reached TPY, then i look around for her. I was looking at this girl, and i think it was her. :O it's her, but i don't know at first. She didn't recognise me, LOL. Then, we were still texting each other until we realised we are both there, LOL! :D had a good laugh about it, hehehe. xD
So hopefully, i get my shirt soon! ^_^ ~ and, tmr's monday. " I don't hate mondays, i just hate that there's school. I don't hate sundays, but i hate the feeling that there's school the next day. " From twitter. Twitter is awesome! :D i'm starting to love it. ♥
Hmm, so meeting Crystal and Shihui tomo for payment. Sigh, there's science test this thursday. Grr. -.- Wish me luck okay! Anyway, i like blogshopping! ♥♥♥ :D intro me to any blogshops that have meetups @ woodlands, admiralty, yishun, preferably the red line. Not too far from admiralty & yishun. Hehehe, thanks! :3 Okay, so ending this post with this :
Dream, because it's better than reality. It's true.

Bye, i'd be back soon! :D
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