Are you already in love? ♥ :)
Based on psychological study, a crush last for a maximum of 4 months. If it exceeds, you are already in love. I think i am.
Hello people! It's the weekends, yay! Rest rest rest. And oh, homework also.
SIGH. -.- alright so talk about something that happened. :D
1. Went to sabrina's house with joshua.
It was like really epicfail. Cause' joshua suddenly put the father hamster with those baby hamsters, cause he don't know it would kill the babies. Then, the father hamster started biting two of the baby hamsters, and both of the baby hamster died. D: Tthe baby hamsters were very cute, cause they are really small & had fur over them.
BUT, IT DIED. Sadddd ttvm ..
So right, Sabrina broke down & was screaming at him, and i'm like speechless-but-shocked. Okay, here comes the epic part : She suddenly laughed. She said make it a happy death then. -.- but me and joshua was like wtf! From screaming and crying to laughing and joking. You get it right? But, everything was okay after then. Phew..
But i still felt scared seeing the hamster because it look so pityful.. :x and joshua was like, making fun of me, like whatthe.. But anyway, i had
ALOT FUN lah. ^___^
2. Mixed emotions now.I'm feeling like, at times, hyper and random, the next moment, i'll be like pissed. Okay, so weird right i know. But like
Jieying said : Xiaoyan! Smile more. Prettiest girls are the happiest~ SMILE SMILE and everything will be alright oh!
Thanks jieying!
♥ I will, alright! :) you too.
I wanna be pretty, LOL..
3. I'm enjoying science lesson now. I can understand those concepts better and, the teacher is nice & clear about explaining! :D Scienceeeeeeeeee, you rock yeah. :)
4. Alot of homework to be completed. Sighhh, homework, homework, homework. Stop coming to me please. I hate you. :)
Lastly ...
Hehehe, alright, that's all then! Long update yeah. :) update next time~