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Last 5 episodes!
Airs on weekdays, Channel U, 10 pm to 11pm.
Heehee, look look! *the image up there* Is it romantic? Or perhaps, beautiful? I'm addicted to it now! You know, I'm a couch potato & so, TV IS MY LIFE! :D
Anyway, do watch it alright! 5 episodes left, so the last episode will be on, um, Thursday. Urgh, why Thursday uh?! It's a weekday, and I'm not suppose to watch it. Like duh, I'm waking up at 5.45 am every weekday. -__-
Oh well, nvm. I'll find a way.
Dalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala ~~~
Tsk, holidays ending soon. A few more days till school starts. NOOOOOOOOO, I don't want! Seriously. No more sleeping late, waking up late. :/
Sad luh, but no choice. Urgh, anyway, I don't think this June holiday is fulfilling for me. Just comp, slack around. That's the problem with me. I'm a slacker, wahahaha! LOL, i'm crazy. :B
Hmmm, I'm left with a compo before I'm done with my work! Yay ^___^ ! Teehee.
Oh btw, I will be in malaysia from today (night) to saturday. So don't bother to text/call me yeah. Be back on Sunday. Don't miss me too much! Hahaha. xD
Okay, till here then, cya. :)