Kwkeke, miss me alot? Haha i so bhb. Kk, i know no one is exactly paying attention to my blog and me, but, like i care. Seriously. -__-
Okay, randomness overtaking me now. \m/ ME = super random now yeah. ^^ btww, i love it to the bits. x3 lalalalalala, skipskip! :D
Yeahyeahyeah, today was superb man! x3
Not superman, but superb man. :)
Not superman, but superb man. :)
Kana woke up by mum @ 10 plus to clear my room. Walao, i want sleep one leh. -__- kk, but nvm. Whatever. Okay, so cleared up from 10 + to 11.30. I know you are thinking why so long right. Come closer, i tell you. :D It's a secret! Tadaaaaaaa ~ DIRTY MAH. UNTIDY. Heehee. Okok, i love my room to the bits now! ♥♥♥ Neat & tidy ftw. \m/ kekeke. xD
Yes, btwww, i got back my results liao lor! Muahahah. :B all you need to know is,
Promotion Status : Promoted to Sec 2 Express. [:
Pro mah? Haha. No la. Joke. Class position ;
HAHAHA, ok. Ending off this post with a ..

(via Jeanbeans)
Heehee cute right? Found it through Siti's tumblr. Ok, byee! :D